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Your support and donation will help change lives.

By donating, your support will keep this information available online for all readers.


This site is non-profit. All information is displayed 100% free of charge. Any support given by donations will simply cover operating costs that keep this site operational.

Any proceeds above and beyond operating costs will go to:

Wounded Warrior Project


Other Important Places to Contribute:

AAPS (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons) and AHLF (American Health Legal Foundation) work very hard to protect the right of doctors to give patients the type of care that they need and want. These two groups work behind the scenes to ultimately protect the patient.

The AAPS and AHLF are the only major groups that stand up to tyrannical medical boards and unconstitutional federal health care bills (HillaryCare and ObamaCare). These groups also are busy helping keep FREEDOM in medicine in other important ways.

If you would like to support the legal efforts to defend the practice of medicine, please consider making a contribution to their efforts.

Click here to contribute to AHLF (it's tax-deductable)


