ADD and ADHD ( Page 2 )

Why a Natural Approach to ADD and ADHD?

Every natural, nutritional, and holistic approach should be exhausted before committing anyone to the dangerous medications used in treating ADD and ADHD.  In almost every case, the behavioral disorders associated with ADD/ADHD will be corrected when finding and treating the route cause of an individual’s symptoms.  Simply masking the symptoms with medications does not correct the underlying cause. 

Many factors have been attributed to the development of ADD/ADHD.  Some of these factors include:  heredity, anxiety, allergies, smoking during pregnancy, hyperinsulinemia (too much insulin in the blood), oxygen deprivation at birth, environmental stressors or pollutants (internal and external environment), artificial food additives, injuries, infections, lead poisoning, and prenatal or postnatal trauma, and the list goes on. There is no consistent factor that can be associated with the cause of ADD/ADHD; each individual will have their own cause and the cause may also be multifarious. 

In recent years, most of the success has been seen with dietary change and toxin elimination.  Many people have been found to react to certain preservatives, dyes, and salicylates in different foods.  Whatever the source of the behavior problem, it must be found and treated properly.  Deficiencies need to be supplemented, toxins need to be eliminated, and proper guidance given to a maturing young brain. 

It is important to know that everyone of us has a different temperament, different nutritional requirements, different abilities to cope with stress, and so on. We are individual creatures affected differently by our ever-changing environments.  So, understandably, the root cause (or causes) of a behavioral problem may be difficult to identify.  Many that have been successful in treating behavioral disorders have found success in a multi modal approach, one that incorporates dietary measures, cleansing,  counseling, and special educational strategies, all before a dangerous medication is used.   

Take the time to search for the cause.  Care about what is happening.  Beware of dangerous medications.  Take an approach that is designed to help repair, rebuild, and restore the body to its properly functioning state.



The Vaccinated vs. the Unvaccinated Child Survey

"We surveyed over 9,000 boys in California and Oregon and found that vaccinated boys had a 155% greater chance of having a neurological disorder like ADHD or autism than unvaccinated boys." -Generation Rescue, June 26, 2007.

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey are just two of the spokesmen for a wonderful movement that deals with the treatment of ADD/ADHD and autism. Their website Generation Rescue goes on to say the following about neurological disorders: "Our children are experiencing epidemics of ADD/ADHD, Asperger's, PDD-NOS, and Autism. We believe these neurological disorders ("NDs") are environmental illnesses caused by an overload of heavy metals, live viruses, and bacteria. Proper treatment of our children, known as "biomedical intervention", is leading to recovery for thousands. The cause of this epidemic of NDs is extremely controversial. We believe the cause includes the tripling of vaccines given to children in the last 15 years (with unstudied ingredients like mercury, aluminum and live viruses); growing evidence also suggests that maternal toxic load and prenatal vaccines, heavy metals like mercury in our air, toxic ingredients in our water, pesticides; and the overuse of antibiotics are also implicated. Generation Rescue's mission is to support continued research on causative factors and treatment approaches for NDs.

Generation Rescue is a parent-founded, parent-led organization of more than 900 mentor families and leading researchers and clinicians from around the globe. Our mission is to continue to discover and share the truth with families about the potential cause of their child's NDs so they can focus on effective treatments."



Helpful Tests for ADD/ADHD

Since there is no test that can be used to diagnose ADD/ADHD, the medical field has a difficult time being “evidence based” in their approach. The medical field claims that ADD/ADHD is a chemical imbalance, but has no test to measure a chemical imbalance.   However, the alternative and natural health care fields do offer testing that will help identify deficiencies and other problem areas.

There are several batteries of tests that can be employed to narrow or find possible causes to the behavioral problems.  There are nutritional tests that can help find insufficiencies of certain essential fatty acids, vitamins, or minerals.  ADD/ADHD has been found to be associated with deficient essential fatty acids like omega-3 EPA and DHA.  There are tests to measure these fatty acid levels.  There are also tests to measure heavy metal toxicity.  There are allergy tests that can help detect up to 120 common allergens that can be in the diet or environment.  There are many tests to measure the digestive function which would detect incompletely digested proteins, intestinal flora imbalances, the presence of yeast and other parasites. There are also test to measure blood sugar handling problems. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can be implicated in many behavioral disturbances. Testing for hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can also help detect a possible source of attention disruptive/behavioral problems.

Your doctor may have tests that will cover these topics or you may use a company like Genova Diagnostics. Any testing that involves finding the source of a behavioral disorder will be beneficial.  You will be one step closer to finding the source of the behavioral affliction.

Here are few statistics to relate the importance finding the source of the problem. Studies show that 70% of ADD/ADHD individuals have food, chemical, and/or environmental allergies. Often a children with allergies will have recurrent ear infections, sinus infections, lack of energy, swollen glands, that coincide with behavioral problems. Allergies can trigger all of this. By successfully treating the allergies you will often find patients improve dramatically. With respect to nutrition, 60% of children with nutritional deficiencies will develop ADD/ADHD. They can also prone to recurrent sickness and infections. When it comes to blood sugar (glucose) problems, 70% of all ADD/ADHD individuals have abnormal glucose metabolism.

Since testing for these things can cover such a large percentage of the causal problems, the importance of there assessment can not be underplayed. Any testing option of ADD/ADHD not addressing at least allergies, nutrition, or blood sugars, may not lead to satifactory results.



Food Additives, Food Subtractives, Food Multiples, and Food Divisions

Additives- Substance added to another as to give it a special quality.
Subtractives- Something taken from another.
Multiples- Having several or many parts, elements, or individual components.
Divisions- One of two or more parts in which something is divided.

“Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food,” wise words from Hippocrates, the father of medicine.    

Food plays a major role in every aspect of our health and well-being.  Whether it is used for maintaining health, correcting illnesses, or if it is a cause of a problem, it is something that has great power over our bodies.  The power that comes from food is in its ability to produce change within our body and mind, both positively and negatively.  This power all depends on what the food source contains and how it reacts to each individual.

Food, and its contents, are at the forefront when concerned about ADD/ADHD. The additives that are placed in foods can be either harmful or beneficial.  When food is processed or over processed it can lose much of its nutritional value, nutrient subtractive.  Too much of the wrong foods can leave us feeling empty or insatiable, due to empty calories.  Food routines can have an deleterious or supportive effect, depending on one’s knowledge and willingness to follow a healthy lifestyle.  Too much of one type of food leaves us wanting nutritionally. 

Numerous studies, with respect to diet’s role in the causes of ADD/ADHD, have shown benefits from either adding certain foods or eliminating items from the diet.

Since some food additives can be very harmful, it is important to remove all sources of these additives.  Some examples of harmful food additives are listed in the chart below.  Some alternative names and code number are given for each additive.  The names with “E” are European equivalents.

Food Additive(to avoid)



Tartrazine (Yellow #5)

Banned in Norway and Austria.  Known to provoke asthma attacks and urticaria.  Linked to thyroid tumors, chromosomal damage, and hyperactivity.  Can cause sensitivity to aspirin.

Quinoline Yellow (Yellow #10) (E104)

Banned in Australia, USA, and Norway.  Can cause dermatitis.

Yellow 7G

Banned in Australia and USA.  Asthma sufferers may have allergic reaction to it.  HACSG* recommends avoiding it.

Sunset Yellow FCF, Orange Yellow S,
(Yellow #6) (E110)

Banned in Norway.  May cause kidney tumors, chromosomal damage, urticaria, rhinitis, nasal congestion, allergies, indigestion, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.  It increases the incidence of tumors in lab animals.

Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines

HASCG* says to avoid it.  Made from insects.

Azorubine, Carmoisin

Banned in Sweden, USA, Austria, and Norway.  Can cause reactions in asthmatics and people with allergies to aspirin.  It is a coal tar derivative.

(Red #2) (E123)

Banned in USA, Russia, Austria, Norway, and the list of countries continues to grow.  Can provoke asthma attacks, eczema, and hyperactivity.  Animal studies show it causes birth defects, fetal deaths, and some cancers

Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A
(Red #4) (E124)

Banned in Norway and USA.  Can react in asthmatics and people with allergies to aspirin.  Causes cancer in lab animals.

(Red #3)(E127)

Banned in Norway.  Banned in 1990, but not recalled by US FDA.  Shown to cause thyroid cancer in rats.  Can cause sensitivity to light.  In humans, can lead to hyperthyroidism.

Red 2G

Banned in Australia and many other places except UK

Allura red AC
(Red #40)(E129)

Banned in Norway, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, and Denmark.  Shown to cause cancer in mice.

Patent blue V

Banned in Australia, USA and Norway.

Indigotine, Indigo carmine
(Blue# 2)(E132)

Banned in Norway. Can cause allergic reactions, high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, breathing problems, and skin rashes.

Brilliant blue FCF
(Blue #1)(E133)

Banned in Norway, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, France, and Belgium.

Green S

Banned in Sweden, USA, and Norway.

Plain caramel, Caustic sulphite caramel, Ammonia caramel, Sulphite ammonia caramel
E15(a), E150(b), E150(c), E150(d)

HACSG* recommends to avoid it.

Brilliant Black BN, Black PN

Banned in Denmark, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, USA, and Norway.

Vegetable carbon

Only the vegetable derived variety permitted in Australia, banned in the USA.

Brown FK

Banned in US.

Brown HT (Chocolate)

Banned in Norway, Austria, USA, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, and Denmark.  Can produce reactions in asthmatics and people allergic to aspirin.  Can cause skin sensitivities.

Annatto (Arnatto, Annato), bixin, norbixin

Known to cause urticaria, the HACSG* recommends to avoid it.

Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin

Avoid, banned in some countries.

Aluminium (UK)
Aluminum (USA)

Avoid, banned in some countries.


Avoid, banned in some countries.


Avoid, banned in some countries.

Latolrubine BK

Avoid, banned in some countries.


HACSG*= Hyperactive Children’s Support Group (

Why are some additives banned and others aren’t?  Some additives are synthetic and are known to cause problems if ingested, some are known to be toxic in high doses, while others, even though natural, can also react negatively in the body.  Negativity aside, there are natural food additives that are harmless or even beneficial, such as: curcumin, riboflavin, riboflavin-5'-phosphate, chlorophylis, chlorophyllins, carotenes (alpha, beta, gamma), lycopene, lutein, beetroot red, betanin, anthocyanins, and so on, mainly the natural substances used as food coloring.  These are some of the “good guys” to consume.
The synthetic additives are usually the problem causers.  In April 2008, researchers at Southampton University warned that the artificial food coloring, that they studied, could be doing as much damage to children’s brains as does the lead in gasoline.  These same researchers have linking the additives to behavioral problems and temper tantrums.

Over Processing Food
Foods that are consumed today are overcooked, over processed, and lacking in vital nutrients.  We are replacing wholesome foods with sterile, chemically loaded foods that contain artificial flavors just to have longer shelf life.  Many of our foods that aren’t extensively processed can be a health concern, as well. Foods like fruits and vegetables, diary products, whole grains, and meats are riddled with hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides, also making them harmful to our health.

In addition to lacking vitamins and minerals, the processing of food also removes vital enzymes.  These enzymes are the catalyst to the biological reactions that occur inside the body.  These enzymes literally run our bodies.  Organs like the heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas, etc., use enzymes to run their cell functions.  If their cells do not function properly, things begin to malfunction.

There are two ways to manufacture enzymes, the body can produce them or they can be obtained from the diet (about 50% come from diet).  Raw foods contain many live enzymes which can be used by the body in various ways.  Processed foods contain no vital enzymes.  If there is not enough intake of live enzymes through food sources, the body will have to work harder to manufacture its own.  If the body can not manufacture enough, or doesn’t have the raw materials to manufacture enough, it begins to shut down bodily processes.   This can result in a perpetuating cycle of failure.  If body can’t manufacture of take in enough enzymes it can’t run bodily functions. Digestion uses about 50% of all enzymes made by the body.  If it can’t make these enzymes, it can’t digest nutrients properly, if it can’t get nutrients, systems begin to fail, when systems fail, our body begins to run down.  You body can give you hints of system failure.  For example, hair can become dry, skin can become dry, and nails can crack or go through other changes that are indicative of other disorders.  If larger systems begin to fail, like the liver or kidneys, then the body cannot detoxify waste products or eliminate them properly. 

Cat Study
In 1940, Dr Pottenger studies the effects of processed foods on over 900 cats.  The cats were divided into 5 groups, two groups were fed raw food, three groups were fed processed food.  He follow the health status for several generations.

3 groups fed processed food – The first generation of cats developed degenerative diseases like arthritis, allergies, and diabetes near the end times of their lives.  The second generation of cats developed the same conditions as their parents in the middle years of their lives.  The third generation of cats developed the same conditions very early in their lives.  The third generation of cats could not conceive, or if the could, the fetuses were spontaneously aborted.

2 groups fed raw, unprocessed, enzyme rich food – All generations remained healthy throughout the Dr.’s experiment.

Is the same thing happening to humans today?  Are children being born with more chronic diseases earlier in life?  The answer is, yes.  What about sterility?  The percentage of adults that cannot conceive or that are having miscarriages is steadily on the rise.

The important thing to understand is that what we put in our bodies must be nutritional and vital so that our body does not eventually run down.  This is the idea of preventative health and the avoidance of degenerative diseases.

Empty Calories
Some foods are loaded with calories, some foods contain very few calories.  The term “empty calorie” identifies foods with very poor nutritional value for the amount of calories they contain.  These “empty calorie” foods lack many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, fiber, and enzymes. 

Empty calories causes weight gain.  How?  The brain controls the feeling of hunger and the feeling of fullness.  The brain does this in the hypothalamus.  For example, the brain signals that the body is hungry, it needs nutrients.  The body then give signs of hunger, like a growling stomach, etc.  Once a person begins to feed their body, the brain analyzes the nutrient levels of the digesting food.  If the brain does not detect adequate nutrients, it continues to tell the body that it is hungry.  This is where “empty calories” come in.  If you don’t give the body the nutrients that it is asking for, it will continue to ask for them.  Two things will then happen.  The extra calories have to be stored somewhere and the body will suffer from lack of nutrients.  Weight gain occurs because the excess calories, that are constantly consumed, are stored as fat.  The lack of nutrients negatively affects the functioning of the body, as discussed in the “Over Processing Food” section.

Not only is it important for ADD/ADHD to eat healthy foods for proper brain function, but it is also important for overall health and well-being.  Healthy foods are those that are nutrient dense foods.  Taking in nutrient dense foods like fruits, whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and all other whole unprocessed foods is the most important step to prevention, as well as, treatment of many common ailments.

Food Variety
Eating a variety of foods is an issues that should not be overlooked.  Most people eat just a few food types.  These food types leave gaps in nutrients.  Meaning, not all foods contain all vitamins, all minerals, and not all amino acids, etc.  Eating a broad range of foods will better insure that most of these basic requirements are met. 

Unfortunately, even the most varied diet can still be lacking in nutrients. Even if you are careful in avoiding pesticides, hormones, over processing, etc., your food may still be lacking in nutrients.   In 1992, the Earth Summit in Rio confirmed that the average US farm soils were 85% depleted of minerals.  As far back as 1936, a US Senate Report  (Document 264) stated that American farms and ranges were depleted of minerals. In being so, food is also depleted in minerals.  The implications of soil and food mineral depletion is staggering. It translates into 99% of the public being deficient in a vast array of minerals. Even at the time of the study, it was recommended that the diets of farm animals and people should be supplemented with minerals.

Given the nature of ADD/ADHD and its relationship to food deficiencies, it is important to add high quality vitamin/mineral supplements to help cover deficiencies, as well as supplement for other possible areas of need.  It is becoming more and more difficult to obtain our basic requirements for nutrients due to the destruction of our food supply.  And, it is no wonder we are seeing a rise in ADD/ADHD along with other illnesses.

Student Study
The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.  A perfect example on how food choices can make all the difference in the world comes from a study done at Appleton Central Alternative Charter High School.  A study was done which examined the research associating nutrition and student behavior.  Appleton opened its doors in 1996 with the intent of individually helping students with behavior problems. 

This individualized attention did not meet with much success at first.  It wasn’t until the school overhauled their food policies (September, 2003) that a difference in behavior was seen.  School lunches were replaced with freshly cooked vegetables, fresh fruits, and other wholesome nutritional choices.  All snack machines and soda machines were removed from the school grounds as well. 

Once this nutrition program was in place, teachers reported positive changes “overnight”. By the end of the study in 2004,  Principal LuAnn Coenen stated that negative behaviors such as vandalism, drug and weapons violations, dropout and expulsion rates, and suicide attempts are virtually nonexistent.  The Appleton Study went on to say that the “research does associate nutritional influences with behavior. Nutritional deficiencies cause recognizable symptoms which disappear once the deficiency is alleviated.(1) The effects of extreme nutritional depravation such as starvation include depression, apathy, irritability, and growth retardation.(2) Research has shown students from food insufficient families (families who report not having an adequate supply of food) have lower test scores in arithmetic, are more likely to be held back a grade, have difficulty getting along with their peers, and are more likely to have seen a psychologist.(3) The USDA Fruit and Vegetable Pilot Program found that teaching staff perceived an increase in students’ attention during class as a result of consuming an increased amount of fruits and vegetables.(4) Similarly, studies of the School Breakfast Program Pilot Project found associations between participation in the breakfast program and better student behavior as well as the perception of better student behavior.”(5)

1. Nestle M. Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health. Berkeley, CA:  University of California Press, 2002; p.379
2. Ibid., p.380
3. AlaimoK, Olson C M, Frongillo E A Jr. Food Insufficiency and American School-Aged Children’s
Cognitive, Academic, and Psychosocial Development. Pediatrics. Jul 2001; 108,1: 44-53
4. Buzby JC, Guthrie JF, Kantor LS. “Evaluation of the USDA Fruit and Vegetable Pilot Program.” Report to Congress. May 2003. (Sept. 2004).

5. McLaughlin JE, LS Bernstein, MK Crepinsek, LM Daft, JM Murphy. “Evaluation of the School Breakfast Program Pilot Project: Findings from the First Year of Implementation,” Nutrition Assistance Program Report Series, No. CN-02-SBP, Project Officer: Anita Singh. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Analysis, Nutrition, and Evaluation, Alexandria, VA: 2002.



Food Coloring Colors Behavior

To enhance the coloring of food, companies have two choices, synthetic or natural food coloring.  The synthetic food coloring choices include all the numbered colorings like yellow #5 (tartazine), yellow #6, Red #2, #3, #4, #40, Blue #1, #2, and the list goes on.  Natural food colorings include examples like curcumin, turmeric, riboflavin, riboflavin-5'-phosphate, chlorophylis, chlorophyllins, carotenes (alpha, beta, gamma), lycopene, lutein, beetroot red, betanin, anthocyanins, etc.  So why would a company choose to use a synthetic coloring over and obviously healthier natural coloring?  Money!  Synthetic coloring is much cheaper to use.

Given the issue of money, one can imagine the bias in studies that companies seek in order to show that synthetic food color does not adversely affect behavior.  There are studies that have been independently done that show a connection between synthetic food coloring a ADD/ADHD behavior.  There are also countries outside the U.S. that have been looking more deeply into the connection and those countries have banned many of the food colorings.

Beware of studies defending synthetic dyes and food coloring.  It is always better to go natural.




The Natural Approach to ADD and ADHD

It is important to understand that there is no magic bullet treatment for ADD/ADHD.  Most importantly, there is no drug that is appropriate for treating the cause of what has been termed ADD/ADHD.  The only proper treatment is to take each case, individually, and find the root source of what is producing the effects.  This may not be easy, but it is the best and most safe way to rid a child of the disorder.  It is also important to read the previous articles on this site in order to better understand how to direct oneself to the right answer. Once the path has been found, the treatment becomes the simple part.  The wrong path will lead to the wrong treatment, which will lead to inadequate results.

When dealing with ADD/ADHD, one of the best approaches is to think about what is being fed to the brain as well as what is being fed to the stomach.  Many researcher and successful doctors have found that when detrimental contributors are removed from the diet and proper nutritional supplements are added, most, if not all ADD/ADHD symptoms disappear.  Find the cause, treat the cause not the symptoms.

Aside from treating underlying conditions that may give similar symptoms to ADD/ADHD, there are various nutrients that are beneficial.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) – Since the brain is such a hungry organ, EFAs are very important its growth and maintenance.  The brain is about 60% fat, Omega-3 fatty acids being the most abundant kind of fat.  Consuming the wrong kinds of fatty acids, like in processed foods, will leave the brain and other cells deficient in the properly structured materials to bring about optimal functioning.  Many studies have shown that low levels of EFAs result in disorders of behavior, learning, sleep, and immune function.  Good sources of EFAs are mercury-free fish oils (important for DHA and EPA), borage oils, flaxseed oil, and primrose oil.  Take as directed on label.

Amino Acids – Amino acids come from protein or can be supplemented through high quality protein powders (vegetarian, aspartame-free, soy-free is the only kind that should be recommended)(Rainbow LIGHT Food-Based Protein Energizer is the only high quality that I have been able to find at local health food stores.  It is soy-free, diary-free, sugar-free, made from rice and contains spirulina- this product contains all the amino acids plus many important digestive enzymes, as well as other important nutritional ingredients).  Some dieticians and nutritionists recommend soy for a protein source.  This is NOT good advice because soy products are very allergenic and can create many health concerns.

Calcium/Magnesium Complex – Taken as directed at bedtime.  Relaxes muscles and has a calming effect.  Imbalances in calcium/magnesium ratio and individual levels have been found in those who suffer from ADD/ADHD.

Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement- A good quality, dye-free source is important to balance out other levels of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Vitamin B Complex – At least 50mg of each type of B vitamin 3 times per day.  The B vitamins are needed for proper brain function, adrenal gland function, the regulation of some neurotransmitters, and the proper processing of carbohydrates for energy.  The B vitamins are coenzymes for many biological reactions, therefore if deficiencies exist, some reactions will be hindered.  Some neuro-psychiatric disorders result from imbalances in B vitamin levels.  The B vitamins are also known as the anti-stress vitamins.

Vitamin C – 1,000 mg 3 times per day.

Vitamin E – It protects cell membranes and improves circulation. ONLY use the natural form which is the d-alpha-tocopherol form.  Do NOT use the dl-alpha-tocopherol form. Use the “d” form not the “dl” form.  It can’t be stressed enough.  The “dl” form is synthetic and can create health problems, the “d” form is natural and it beneficial to health.

Zinc – Children with ADD/ADHD have been shown to be deficient in zinc. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry did a study showing a “significant correlation” between zinc and EFA deficiencies and ADD/ADHD.  Take as directed on label.  Do NOT exceed 100mg daily.

Additional Supplements

Many other supplements abound and have been used to help the symptoms of ADD/ADHD.  The following list is a few such supplements that may help with brain function, overall relaxation, or enhancement of certain deficiencies.

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) – This is an amino acid which is a precursor to serotonin.  It is use for sleep disorders and emotional stability which can be found in ADD/ADHD.

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) – This is a chemical, similar to choline, that is involved in learning and memory.  It should not be taken on a daily basis.  Only take when increased alertness and focus is needed.  It also has mood-enhancing and vision-enhansing properties in some people.

Ginkgo Biloba – It has been shown to be helpful for brain function and concentration through the increase of cerebral blood flow and increased tissue oxygenation, this in turn, helps with attention and concentration.  The typical dosage is 240mg three times a day.

Phosphatidyl Serine (PS) – It works by supporting the membranes of nerves.  In a study of learning capacity and behavior disorders, 25 out of 27 children showed improvement when given 200-300 mg of PS per day for four months.  In other studies, PS has been shown to improve mood, cognitive performance, an well as reduce memory loss.

Pycnogenol – It is a powerful antioxidant and has cellular protective properties for the brain and body.  It also increases blood flow to the brain.  Use as directed, typically around 600-800mg per day.

Tyrosine - This is important for overall metabolic activity. It is a precusor to adrenaline (epinephrine), norepinephrine, and dopamine. Tyrosine's precursor effects are many. It acts as a mood elevator because lack of tyrosine leads to low norepinephrine levels in the brain, which can lead to depression. It helps to suppress appetite. It helps in the functions of the adrenal gland, thyroid gland, and pituitary gland, which in turn will help correct disorders of each of these glands.

Valerian Root – This herb has been shown to produce dramatic results with no side effects.  Mix the alcohol-free extract in juice and drink 2-3 times per day.  Use age appropriate dosage on label.

Nutrition and Conditions

Some underlying conditions can present with similar symptoms to that of ADD/ADHD.  Some deficiencies can result in similar symptoms to that of ADD/ADHD.  Here are a few examples.

Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism – Symptoms of these two conditions can mimic those of ADD/ADHD.  Looking at each condition and their signs and symptoms, one can see great similarities with ADD/ADHD.  As well, overlooking thyroid issues can lead to incorrect treatment.  In this example, one may observe symptoms of ADD/ADHD and medicate with drugs like Ritalin.  Medicating with Ritalin would not treat the cause of the problem. At best it would mask a problem, leading to exacerbation of the thyroid disorder.  Thyroid workups are not always successful either.  The tests run for detecting thyroid problems are notorious for false negatives and false positives.  Symptoms of ADD/ADHD and thyroid disorders can be confused for each other in either direction.  Diagnosing incorrectly and treating incorrectly can lead to poor outcomes.  If this isn’t enough, other situations can also mimic both conditions.  Spinal dysfunction at T4-T6 can result in similar symptoms.  Exposure to bromine-based fire retardants used in carpets, upholstery, mattresses, furniture and some electronics have also become suspect for causing a number of medical conditions, including hypothyroidism.  Vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and therefore supplementation may be warranted for thyroid issues.  For example, supplements such as PABA, magnesium, and manganese will generally help with mild hyperthyroid activity.  Iodine supplementation (kelp and Lugol’s solution) and/or vitamin B6 may be helpful with mild hypothyroid activity.

Calcium and/or Magnesium – These are two commonly seen deficiencies.  Clinically these deficiencies are deduced by light and/or restless sleep, along with daytime sleepiness.  Supplementation should be with high quality, absorbable forms or a change to proper diet, which includes green leafy vegetables.  Dairy is not advisable as a source of calcium due to its potential complications and health concerns.  Don’t be fooled by the claims from the “milk lobby”.

Copper and Sulfur – High levels of copper and low levels of sulfur is very commonly seen in individuals suffering symptoms of ADD/ADHD.  Symptoms typically include a foggy mind, lack of concentration, and poor memory.  Correcting this issue is twofold.  Firstly, supplement with copper antagonists like vitamin C, MSM, molybdenum, and chromium.  Secondly, avoid food and drink high in copper like cocoa/chocolate products, coffee, tea, soy products, liver, nuts, seeds, shellfish, and wheat germ.

Although not all inclusive, these above examples give an idea of the importance in looking for the correct source of the cause of symptoms.  Once found, they are simple fixes and there treatments are always more advisable than pharmaceutical correction. 


- Avoid dairy products, as they have been known to cause behavior problems in some who suffer from ADD/ADHD. 
- Remove all forms of refined sugars and all products that contain it.
- Do not consume bacon, candy, catsup, chocolate, colored cheeses, ham, hot dogs, lunch meat, margarine, milk, pork, salamis, or soy sauce.
- Do not use antacids, cough drops, perfume, or commercial type toothpastes.  Use natural toothpastes that do not contain flouride.
- Avoid soft drinks due to the phosphates that they contain.  Phosphate is responsible for exaggerated muscular activity. 
- Do consume live foods and raw foods.  This will remove any chance of consuming harmful additives and food dyes.